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Island Flat & Ball Moss Frame - 600x600mm

Product Code: GM-ISLAND-6060-IN

Delivery Time:
5 to 7 Weeks i

Please note that when days are specified, these refer to working days. Lastly, if you opt for installation during checkout (as opposed to just delivery), it may add several days due to our installation schedule.

Please note the minimum order quantity for this product is 1. If you need less, please reach out as we may be able to accommodate
  • Flat & Ball Moss is exclusively hand-picked in France by local producers in a sustainable method that preserves the forests
  • Flat & Ball Moss is exclusively hand-picked in France by local producers in a sustainable method that preserves the forests
  • Must be provided with an environment that has a minimum relative humidity of about 30%
  • Must be provided with an environment that has a minimum relative humidity of about 30%
  • Helps minimise noise within the workplace by absorbing surrounding sound

Looking for a stylish alternative for acoustic panels? Browse through our Island Moss Frames and bring some of the outdoors along with you in the office or at home. Island frames are available in 4 sizes to choose from.


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